Thursday, July 15, 2010

Visiting the Kings summerpalace, Cha-Am

All of us out side the Kings summer palace! We had to cover both knees and shoulders...

The girl in pink t-shirt is Poltif, a friend and also our guide!

Standing in front of the beach

The kings palace, was very big. But not as luxury as we thought...

Amy loooved the security-ropes.
Ok, over to Cha-Am !
Waiting for food...20 min of waiting
Mom eating food...
Olivia and Amy is still waiting for food...40 min of waiting
 Dad eating his food, 1 hour of waiting.
Amy, a professional photographer!
Olivia and Amy STILL waiting for food...1,5 hour of waiting
Julia have just got her food, 
but Olivia and Amy havent got their food yet. 2 hours of waiting

Ended up on Burger King for Olivia and Amy,
and Julia,Grandma,Grandpa,Mom and Dad went for dessert...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Another day in paradise!

We are on our way to...

Sabai, the little resturang in our neigbourhood. Mr Mon is chef!



The girls always choose "Red curry chicken in coconut milk"!

 I have ordered Massamun! Yummie!

I LOVE you daddy!

- No, I want to have this toothpick-bird...

One, two, three...

- Mmm, it smells lovely!


Lemonade for sale!

Julia blends some lemonade!

Finally we got the right house!

Outside with a jacuzzi, pool and a beautiful garden.
Nice or what?


 Kitchen and livingroom, Olivia is probably on facebook...


Olivias bedroom
My wonderful bed! I sleep like a princess!!

View from the bed!

This tree smells like parfume!

The garden!

Amy sits on one of the chairs (!) in the pool.

I'm so sleepy...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Missing Grand Ma and Grand Dad

Today the girls said they really missed Grandma and Grandad that is at these pictures are for you..//LOVE YA!!!

Amy is speaking on the phone....

Amy bought a magnifying glass and it is with her the pool, in bed and at the restaurant...

Do we need to say moore????

????? Who are these people :-)

We love you......

Amy has got new goggles....

Ok we need to tell you, Amy has learned how to swim, she is now swimming with only her armpuffs and is now learning to see and swim under water....

All 3 under water....

Your crazy son...going for the lobster....

I love my daddy!!!


Shall I come and get you????

Kisses and hugs!!!!

More from the week....

Fotball is great fun, especially if you can see it together with a lot of other people on a big screen.....

Brazil - Netherlands....a sure win for Brazil??? NOT...the oranje was victorius and were to be seen dancing around town afterwards...

Well...don´t know what to say...Hannah Montana is obviously more fun than The World Cup of Fotball....

Me and my wonderful parents! Kristina och Sven-Allan.

Brrr...I´m freezing. It`s so cold inside some restaurants. (Amy borrows Ollys shirt)


Working, working...everywhere! NOT...This time not so much..a rare occasion...

We had to go to San Paulo Hospital in HuaHin, because of the motorbike accident...But as you can see we are still smiling :)

Hey is it cool to have a Mitella???

Olivias bruises!!!


Julia is getting a hair extension...

Only 1.500 Baht..???


Lobster was so good....